Centre for Energy Ethics

The University is committed to creating a world-leading Centre for Energy Ethics to help reconcile energy demand with the crisis climate.

Under the leadership of Dr Mette High, the Centre’s research and networks have already positioned St Andrews as the type of knowledge leader that society will depend upon to support the enormous structural and cultural shifts that the climate crisis demands.

We will create the vision for a new relationship between energy production, distribution, and consumption by removing the intellectual silos and the personal moral sensibilities that surround energy.

The need for informed policy

As governments consider how best to enact policies that protect the environment while also providing for their people, the time for informed policy has never been more urgent.

To address this need, the Centre will:

  • foster a creative and interdisciplinary environment in which to carry out world-leading research
  • provide in-demand policy guidance to local and national governments
  • engage industry and the wider public in energy decisions and options

All of this work will be underpinned by a fundamentally apolitical approach.

How you can help

Support our vision to create the world’s first Centre for Energy Ethics and be part of the mission to tackle the most pressing issue of the twenty-first century.